--recently went to fix to get me full bangs. a li'l experiment that i can't just recall if it does not totally concur w/ what i conceptualized myself to look like. coaxed myself to attempt something i've never tried on my now very long straight (& boring) black hair (just dyed it raven black a week ago). i'm marveled by the emphatic feedback i got from the first few people who saw me in bangs. a gamut of comments from an earnest 'it compliments your face' to the ridiculous 'you look like a barbie doll!'. next month i'll get a digi-perm. *:P
--got hounded w/ sms all day long by my brother about his gig in the evening. it was project 6's annual fiesta, & san miguel corp. (for red horse beer) sponsored a small rock event in the area. his band kamada played alongswith slapshock. he specifically requested that i video them. so i did.
slapshock members are from project 6 & the band composed a song for the beer label (yes they are the current endorser), entitled 'sigaw', hence, they participated in the project & led the number of various other front acts who played to amuse the young (& the restless) project 6 residents.
bj (fallen oppression w/ ian) & bong (kamada w/ ian), both long-time family friends & neighbors, were ex-slap members. so when slap plays, my brother's bands always tag along...so did i.. *:)
during kamada's gig..
then slapshock...ofcourse the camera was always focused on lee hehe..he tagged his wife & son along. his son's a 'mini-me' of lee! the resemblance is astonishing. the only differences from lee to his son were the mohawk, height, moustache & tattoos!
jamir, romancing the crowd
and away from the spotlight were...
alex, sam (ian's wife), alma (a slap member's wife), bong's wife, joy (marion's wife), ona (jeff's gf) & me! we were toasting on rhum coke here at the backstage
at the slaphouse after the gig: ian, bj & chi; alex & bj's wife
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