June 13, 2008

xcablenet reunion

april 18, 2008

relied on tough luck, i brought together a quarter of the noc staff from my former company, skycablenet/bayantel, for a reunion. they are equally my closest friends, where 2 of them are my daughter's godfathers, louie & juvert. agnes (aka pusa) on the other hand, was one of the support staffs i used to supervise before i transferred to the noc, my yosi-buddy who's a girl (we were the only chicks who smoke overall), & one of the few who i chose to bond with in that department. dhon, haay dhon, ahehehe, who faithfully carpooled me, dropping me right at the corner of batasan, before he headed home to nova. i remember those small chats, fatherly advises, brotherly mocks, etc etc. no doubt i missed him the most. *:) & lastly myce, very appreciative of my eccentric being, & the magnificent bassist from the band we cooked up during one of our office christmas parties.

the result, a reunion of friends, superior to just being former workmates, perfectly brewed, by whoelse but me. *:)

held it at gerry's grill makati. here are some pics:
pusa, dhon, louie, juvert & myce

oh..i almost forgot. marco tagged along, the former linux guru in skyinternet, the boy next door who smoked while he worked (literally, his desk was just across our support department door), & my best man friend. i don't need to schedule any reunions just to see this guy. *:)

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