after sending my still sick baby to sleep, i went out to our garage & joined the rest for new years dinner & drinks. there was still a quarter left of that cuervo tequila & served it for myself, my cousin & brother. rye took an off that eve (he was on duty christmas eve) & joined us after several hours playing metal gear on ps3. as the clock struck 12mn, i went to check on my daughter which was crying hysterically already due to the loud fireworks outside! i took her to our garage where everybody was & enjoyed watching the fireworks by our neighbors & nearby subdvisions. it rained harder after midnight so the noise from the fireworks died down shortly.
january 2, 2009
we went to our mother-side relatives' house at greenland, marikina for a reunion. my mom's uncle & auntie who are permanently residing in london visited for the holidays. they've been holding parties here & there & giving out tokens to everybody. pictures here:
january 3, 2009
dad was supposed to bring us kids to the quezon city circle after the party at marikina but rayne's motorbike was suddenly inoperable after charging it's battery. i brought it to the toy kingdom at sm fairview the next morning for a quick repair (a wire got loose), went back home & prepared my daughter for a stroll at the park w/ my sister, nieces & yaya before late afternoon.
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