January 29, 2009

january movies & games (2009)

i've been taking notes of every movie i've seen & every game i've started & finished.
to wrap up, this month, i have seen the following on dvd or the cinemas.
on dvd:
both comedies. only for adult viewers as they both have crude & sexual content all throughout, not to mention the vulgar language & nudity. on 'zack & miri..', be prepared to see private parts on several scenes hehe.
the hitcher: suspense/thriller. the lead actor gets sliced in half near the end of the movie eewww;
slumdog millionaire: award winning? nothing phenomenal. i did anticipate the indian group dance at the ending credits...interesting...
at the cinemas:

benjamin button: movie was lengthy but not boring;
bedtime stories: brought rayna with us, she loved it
the games i played:
ratchet & clank: finished;
ff 12: just had a taste at rye's cousin's ps2. i like!!

fall of man: half done, first person shooter games make me drowsy
prince or persia: i like! but had to trade it w/ 4 other games before i got to thoroughly enjoy it

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