nik's birthday bash at the luk foo chinese restaurant, commonwealth branch.
nik's wish got granted...she definitely has an angel brooding over her (kuya benjo?).
the air at home was all dismal just a few days before her birthday. we had to rush her yet again to the hospital for abnormally coughing blood, & i mean alot of blood.
at the hospital, she coughed for 10-15 mins non-stop almost filling up a quarter of a small cup w/ blood. it was terrifying to witness.
diagnosis was that it's a side effect of the medicine she intakes to prevent her from having a major stroke again. the medicine diluted her blood more than it should have. the only solution was a blood transfusion. the day after the procedure, she was released on her birth day. what sheer joy for her as she cried almost hysterically when the doctor advised to admit her, because she absolutely craved for a festive birthday w/ her family & not inside her teeny tiny hospital cubicle.
everyone came, everyone she wished to celebrate with. mother-side, father-side relatives were complete...well my dad didn't join us, but that was expected of him...but nevertheless, it was a full house.
my rayne w/ 2nd cousin sway. sway taught rayne how to pose. the right picture was her first attempt *:)
my brother ian & his brood &my cousins jolo & badeth; tylord & sam
the celebrant after her tita laced her face w/ cake icing; w/ her mommy

myself w/ kumareng irish & new born daughter shake; nik w/ cousins & sister trisha
myself w/ kumareng irish & new born daughter shake; nik w/ cousins & sister trisha
myself w/ my very preggy sis; myself w/ the 'survivor' nik
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