august 3, 2008
sam's actual birth date.
cocktail party at home.
sam, ian w/ RT arrived home in the afternoon. fetched alex. she brought along half a dozen of varied hard alcohol bottles for her cocktail concoctions. mom cooked pasta & menudo. sam ordered pizzas from pizza hut whilst dad ordered mcdonalds for everyone. sam & ian's guests arrived after 10pm.
sam's actual birth date.
cocktail party at home.
sam, ian w/ RT arrived home in the afternoon. fetched alex. she brought along half a dozen of varied hard alcohol bottles for her cocktail concoctions. mom cooked pasta & menudo. sam ordered pizzas from pizza hut whilst dad ordered mcdonalds for everyone. sam & ian's guests arrived after 10pm.
while busy tending to my daughter, sam, ate anna & alex created the cocktail mixes. alex, i noticed you dashed salt in every cocktail glass no matter what the mix was haha! every now & then, she served everyone a glass of different concoctions. i couldn't recall the rest except for the obvious frozen margarita. nonetheless, every mix was lovely alex. ulitin natin 'to sa birthday mo!
sam was getting a li'l lonely when the clock reached midnight for her birthday has ended hehe. girl, we can always get together & alex can cook those lovely cocktail mixes anytime, just give her a call! haha
happy birthday again my beautiful young sis. glad to have you in my family. mwaaahhh!!!
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