*back to being an application developer in my company. i wasn't relieved of my old duties so that's doubling the load. not only am i the senior helpdesk analyst, i am the only magic, the name of our ticketing application, administrator. remember why i went to the states? to train the basics of administering magic. when i came back, i was suddenly taken off the project. i was asked to sub-admin it last year & due to my absence for months due to pregnancy complications, management yanked me off the project. i was half delighted & half antsy coz first, it lightened my load & for the latter, felt undependable & misled {i was sent to the states to train right?}. so while i was shopping for rayne's birthday dress, my supervisor rang me up & relayed the news that our magic admin unanticipatedly resigned so i was handed back, forcibly, the project again. not only wasn't there a choice, i was the only one technically capable. with that role, i was the benefactor of the previous admin's laptop, was provided a new phone, given VPN connection so i can work from home w/c frees my father from paying the DSL bills coz the company will now pay for it, & in a few days, secure a free parking pass clearing me from paying a P130 daily parking fee. fun? no. i don't define these frills as fun especially when i get called up wee hours of the morning or while i tend to my daughter to work on program bugs, etc. oh, i was denied a raise when i asked for one. the reply that i took was suppressing my motivation to still work for our company. but i had to work, i am being paid well enough, enough for my old duties though. i can't resign like everybody else coz i need the steady flow of cash to support my daughter.
*celebrated my daughter rayne's christening last february at the sto.domingo parish & lunch at the shangrila hotel
*celebrated my daughter rayne's 1st birthday last november at max's qc circle
*was the event planner for our company's 2006the xmas party
*i flew to the united states last march! my first time to fly international on more than 8 flight schedules to california, dallas, pennsylvania and several other stop overs. i was scheduled to travel end of 2005th but was delayed due to my pregnant condition. twas my first time to drive an automatic as well & i got to tell ya, everytime i touch metal anywhere outside the car, i get electrocuted! my colleagues up in our PA HQ told me that it was from the static which the tires collect when they thread the streets plus the very cold weather.
ok, places i've been to. i went to the historic dealy plaza in dallas, texas. it's the building where lee harvey oswald situated himself and shot JFK. it was weird coz while i was viewing the photos at the walls dramatizing the sequence of events, i got teary-eyed! he wasn't even my president!
in LA, i've been to a 'krispy kreme' donut store, to costco, walmart, the famous burger chain in & out, target, melrose place *found here the kewlest shops! if i get a chance to get back to america, i'll run to melrose again!*. i went to hollywood w/ my older cousin jason whom i've seen for the 1st time since they left for the states back when i was only 3 yrs. old. in hollywood it was my 1st to eat an all-american pizza w/ the huge size & all & my cuz brought me to the hollywood wax museum & to the guiness world of records. our last stop was at 'the yard' to drink up. i've been to the awesome universal studios amidst the drizzle w/ my tita who eventually left me by myself to go to work but i enjoyed my stay so much i wasn't ready to leave when my tito arrived to fetch me. i missed my daughter more when my cousin mica & my tita brought me to disneyland. rayne should've seen the spectacular parades rather than myself! ooohh, i am so gonna bring my daughter to hongkong's disneyland in the next 1 or 2 years. & ofcourse, i've been to las vegas! twas a more than a 5 hr drive from LA but it was worth it.
*been single for quite sometime now. that includes parenting my daughter alone. i guess now's the right time to finally announce this to the world as well as the fact that we are surviving very well. our bed fits exactly just for the 2 of us anyways.. *:)
many are anxious why i've been losing weight tremendously. the primary reason is what you see above. i don't see getting thin as a downside. i am actually content that i am able to lose far more from my pregnancy weight coz alot of my clothes especially pants now fit. also, i feel & look better don't 'ya think?
i've been fighting for this family since day 1 & i am tired. it's just hard when you are aware that someone is depending on you too much you won't care how far & how stupid you can go to achieve what that someone expects. but i failed, there's no turning back, there's only acceptance ahead..& i am learning to...coz i've got to..
i must've disappointed several people, especially my relatives. hey, i've tried my best? i have my daughter & that's the ONLY thing matters.
*was introduced to prison break, csi miami & csi las vegas. these 3 series' perfectly but temporarily dulled the blues 'ya know. they were & are my allies everynight before i go to bed.
i finished prison break's season 1 & the 10 episodes of season 2. apparently, the season 2 dvd was sold at the earliest convenience to the buyers while the taping for a few more episodes wasn't even done yet. so i'm still chancing up on buying another copy, a complete one hopefully.
done with csi las vegas as well & these few weeks i've began watching csi miami's, courtesy of my father, season 1 & 2.
*i finally got rid of my braces. would you believe i've had braces for more than 5 years! no thanks to my pointless brace adjustments w/ my ortho, who basically neglected important dental practices such as "cleaning" my teeth before replacing the rubbers, using gloves while penetrating my mouth, washing hands!?, scheduling adjustments regularly..etc..etc..so i moved on to another dentist whom i was required to pay a thousand pesos every adjustment. she just removed my braces after xmas. now i am wearing retainers & this particularly is more annoying & uncomfortable! i'll wear 'em for maybe just a month.
*been visiting the mall more often to go to the baby section rather than to my department. ahihi!
*made music once again during our xmas party after more than 3 years!
*started my blog
*began seeing old friends more often than the 6 years before
*lost my dogs nala & chami *:(
*i have my own room!
*won some gadget more than 20T, my sony cybershot w-50. i'll be swapping it w/ a black colored next week
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