i woke up & found more than 10 messages in my phone of mother's day greeting's. my mom, myself & my sister greeted each other in the morning. it struck me once again that i am a mother, has been for 2 years, & will forever be a part of this celebration.
it was a very busy day ahead of me. after lunch, i fulfilled my promise to my niece nicole. i brought her to sm fairvew to shop together w/ her sister trisha. when we got home by 7pm, the rest of the family were already dressed for our dinner out for our mom's day. we did some grocery first at puregold tandang sora. here's a shot of my daughter & nieces:
nicole, with all her will & faith, have started walking by herself w/o crutches nor guidance from anyone. we are intensely praying & hoping that she can begin her normal life as a 10 year old child very soon.

anyhow, we shopped at puregold for 2 hours filling our carts like panic buyers. good thing dad shared the expenses with me. ian, his son & sam, who's another mother, followed after for the dinner. after loading our goodies in our pickup, we went in the luk foo restaurant just beside the grocery.
dad ordered a meal package. having dined there for the first time, we were surprised by the deluge of viands set by the waiters at our long table. every entree was delectable in the eyes as well as the taste. fortunately again, dad shared the costs w/ me. *:)
twas the best moms' day ever.
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