now she has returned to enjoying her fun bathing everyday (not really bathing her everyday now due to the cold weather we are having). here's some of her pics bathing in her inflatable duck tub which i bought from the states. it's got these fab features. it's capable of telling you if the water is still hot. there's a dark blue sticker at the base which turns white w/ the bold letters HOT, when it is. when you press the beak at the head, it quacks. it has drainage as well. it is so convenient to use compared to the plastic container/basin i was using before. it was a daunting task everyday when i had to bathe her, afraid of losing grip of her and she hitting the corners of the hard plastic.

she can also ride a walker too! the walker's courtesy of her cousin tylord who's jumping and running already so he's really got no need for it anymore. but rayne knows how to move herself backward in the walker for now.....yes...she's still got too many more to learn about.

we're almost finished furnishing our new mini house. in fact, i couldn't think of any of the basics to buy anymore. if i've got money, or if i find one cheap, i'll buy a small wooden divider to at least separate the bed from the dine and sala area. rayne's stuffs' using almost all the space in the room so i've got no where else to place whatever appliance i'm desiring to buy.
i've retreated to playing PS2 again these days. ryan introduced to me the game grandia III (like he introduced FFX to me). it's an RPG and it's the type of game that gets me hooked. but for today, i'm spending my remaining hours awake to finish this blog then get to gear again infront of the TV tomorrow.
i couldn't provide a detailed review yet coz i haven't even halfed the game for now. so till the next post.
claudette held a party at their house last 23rd, yap, at the night of my daughter's 8th month. it was her farewell party. she's my workmate..well, used to be. she resigned a few weeks ago. her family's in the states and her mom needs her to stay in the US for good. we did anticipate her leaving sooner or later. we were always like, what the heck are you doing working for petty cash in the PH when you can live in America, the land of hopes and dreams! well, she IS going, and no one can stop her. she told me she'd rather stay. she loves asia more than ever. i don't know why. anyway, at the party, she made long island iced tea, there was red wine, vodka, tequila and beer. the party ended early at 12 midnight. oh..i am gonna miss her...alot.
with my dear friend claudette
1 comment:
Miss you a lot too. :( - Odette
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