my daughter is sick. it's almost 3am while i'm writing and i'm supposed to go to my AM shift later. had to call in hours ago to report that i'm not going to work. this is the first time in 8 months that rayne's havin' high fever and i don't want to leave her side.
i've posted a bit late. our company had started implementing stricter security rules on using company properties, particularly the internet and email. i have very well understood these usage restrictions when i applied. i made sure i followed every bit of it to secure and finish my probationary period. it just happened that everybody at work was ok to be googling, sometimes chatting, surfing...outside work. today, everything unlicensed are removed, email and browsing monitored. even tagalog emails were asked to be if company information is revealed outside work in codes my american workmates couldn't decipher. so even a joke or a single line chat or question to a fellow workmate should be written in english. it was so funny when eric, a fella HD (helpdesk), showed me a response page (like a text message to another via email) to joseph when joseph asked him about how much a dvd writer costs and he replied in english. hahahaha..
a friend at work just recently got over the hill mad because our company bounded everybody from wearing those short pants (i don't recall the types of pants aside from a capri). she was wearing one of those pants types when the word came out to everyone. i've heard that several of my peeps are contemplating on leaving the company due to just some of these demanding changes. browsing in fact helps us ease up from the level of toxicity of our duties. discrete chatting gives us a chance to socialize and be no robots. most of us are not even using our 2 hour break periods anyways....thanks to a desktop support guy who made all of these take place. he was caught penetrating alot of illegal sites including gambling sites. that i agree should be taken as a grave offense. that is definitely a ground for termination. but when you say you just visit some amiable sites, why should we given the same penalty?
rayne's 8th month
i came from my graveyard shift.i fetched ryan from his house to fetch rayne and go back there again. we brought home a dining table and 2 chairs for our new room at home. the typhoon began to struck early morning sunday so we've had some difficulties transporting rayne from house to house. we waited for the storm to die down a bit before we headed to rayne's lola. it was already after lunch when we came. everybody was expecting her. rayne had not visited her lola for weeks already so everyone was very excited to see her again. we bought her a strawberry cream cake from goldilocks and tita jo (ryan's aunt), cooked the pasta. they made baked macaroni instead of the usual noodle so rye and i had to rush to the nearest supermarket to buy a kilo of fettucini noodles to add to the carte.
i slept while everything was prepared...and unfortunately, wasn't able to wake up for my baby's small party. bummer..
travelling to lola's
rayne eventually grabbed the cake and rubbed all the icing on her body; that's tita yani (ryan's sis) holding her
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