tylord, my brother's son, had his birthday yesterday, the 8th. he just turned 2. awwwww... they held it a sam's, his mom, village's clubhose at the village east cainta. the space was huge, and it was a full house. it was twice better than his 1st bday celebration in libis. i drove my family there while ian accompanied his friends plus my kumare, alex. ryan was absent. the birthday celebrant was the last to arrive coz their street got flooded from the heavy rains in the morning. i came w/ rayne ofcourse, and that party was officially her first. she's so scared of the clowns but was so fond of barney (who came after dinner). barney was too pink i noticed, whilst my daughter's toy is too purple. i hope she didn't notice the diffrence.
attending children's party today has become so different coz i'm no longer attending for myself, but for rayne. i soon will be just like the moms at the children's tables feeding their kids, coaching on what to answer or what to do in parlor games, participating in parlor games, constantly rearranging the hair & clothes of their precious little ones, wiping their sweat..etc..etc... oh i hope to have more kid parties to attend to in the future! i would also try to start planning my daughter's 1st. i need to research on locations where i can hold it. i couldn't simply celebrate it in food chains. the space they provide is just too small. i am anticipating a much bigger crowd than the christening last feb. a pool party is an option...yeah....a winnie 'd pooh pool party! (my daughter has developed, not too obvious, an interest w/ this yellow-orange bear, or she simply just loves the color orange? hmmm...). barney came to tylord's birthday (it was a barney-inspired party), so i gotta remove him from my not very long list of choices.
these pictures will tell more. i must say it was a really fun day!

the birthday boy. isn't he charming!!

carryin' sway, kumareng iris' daughter; my daughter w/ ninang k-ann and tita abby

w/ my mom at the buffet section; my daughter has a name tag!! haha

nanay and mom w/ my daughter; rayne & tita chacha

the clown hid at my back coz baby's scared of him; my baby cutie

sam & tylord; ian & tylord

the young parents; blowing candles ( i couldn't get a shot of the cake coz all the kids were crowding it)

pretty micah & nicole; alex

iris & chacha; tylord w/ daddy

my daughter's head band courtesy of ninang alex; my daughter found a friend (or he found her?), heaven

baby w/ barney; the barney dance

this was just half of the adult guests; tylord's ninongs plus dad

tylord as barney (so cute!!); there's my rayne!!

w/ pretty niece trish; rayne pinned by alex and mua

w/ ninang again
i went to work in the evening. too bad i wasn't able to join the after party at quattro.
our new room is 99% renovated. there's just some little work to do tomorrow w/ the 4th of the wall outside. and the bathroom outside needs more fixin' up with the ceiling & surfaces. so it's movin' time soon!
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