December 28, 2007

dining & drinking on white sand

after we all changed to our dry clothes, we went to 'd'mall' again to find someplace to eat for dinner. we spotted an empty seafood resto by the beach & settled in. it was a loong wait for our food to get cooked so those who brought their cameras made sure time wasn't wasted & took pictures of us all.

i bought myself icecream after dinner then we all went looking out for a bar. we chose bom-bom's at station 2 which was actually the coziest we've spotted. huge colorful bean bags around wooden tables were set on the white sand just a feet away from the ocean water. the ocean breeze relaxed everybody accompanied w/ the mellow acoustic reggae music played on their small stage.

we stayed up all night with the girls drinking various mixes of cocktails while the boys hammered themselves w/ heaps & heaps of beers.

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