September 4, 2009

shake's 1st birthday

july 17, 2009
kumareng irish threw her second child an extravagant birthday party at the pandan restaurant in tandang sora. there were too many freebies that the standard one-lootbag-per-kid easily became one-big-loot-box-per-kid hehehe.
there were the jimini pizza & thumbs up food carts which earlier in the program were subsidizing by only serving those who had stubs (irish gave 1 stub per cart per child). later after the main course, each cart had a hard time emptying their carts for most were already full from the food served buffet-style.
aside from the limitless food & give-aways, there were also face tattoos, glitter tattoos, hair spray & hair fix which my daughter, nieces & us adults equally got a hang of.
the parents & shake; my unica hija after her face paint session
happy birthday song; w/ shake
rayna & sway (irish' 1st daughter); sam, jared & ian
my mom


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