seafood island, eastwood city
after 12 work hours, khaye's wedding reception, pier one & dolce w/ officemates, i caught up w/ some schoolmates at the eastwood city. earlier that week, rhina, my ex-bff/ex-neighbor/ex-classmate, sent me a message that mau has invited everybody for a get-together. maureen who we fondly call mau, migrated to the US when we graduated elementary & that night would be the first time we'll be seeing each other again. rhina txt'd me late evening while i was still at dolce w/ my officemates that the get-together started late & i could still catch up with them even if i arrive after midnight. i had to pick up rye at eastwood anyways, who was out drinking w/ colleagues as well, so i decided to still show up despite being a li'l sluggish already & extremely sleepy from the day's activities.

after a few minutes of 'kamustahan', & mau amused w/ my long eyelashes, asked twice if they were real hahaha, they all craved for coffee & transferred to starbucks but i didn't join them anymore. that was 3am on my watch already so i preferred my bed over coffee. the day eventually had to end anyways.
mau also did not forget to give me a couple of gifts (thanks dear!).
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