February 20, 2007

the worst is over

a few weeks back, the premature finding of a "moya moya" from my niece nicole was ruled out. her mri/mra findings came back positive though for multiple blood clots in several of her major heart & brain vessels. she had to undergo 'heparin treatment' through IV to dissolve these clots & prevent a more critical stroke that may cripple her completely or even end her young life. the family had to sign a waiver prior to the risky treatment for that 'chance' can cause internal hemorrhage to nik & may worsen her condition.

gladly enough, nik went through the treatment the whole week successfully with good test results. unfortunately, some of the clots near her brain could no longer be dissipated & will stay there for the rest of her life. she still has to take oral treatment to dissolve a few of those left to her heart. that, hopefully, will be just another 2 week stay at the hospital. she was taken out of the ICU just a few hours earlier, admitted to a private room.

the paralysis at the left side of her body is still apparent, so she's also undergoing therapy. we are all optimistic that she'll return home, maybe not 100% normal but alive & that is perfectly enough for all of us...thank you God...

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