i was at work when my father sent me a couple of sms'. one following up with the supply of stresstab pills i buy for him monthly & the other, casually mentioning that his nose bled. unusual but we all suspected the very humid weather that noon. late afternoon, still at work, my mom, in her usual panic mode, sent me a message that dad's nose bleeds weren't coming to a stop & they had to rush him to the hospital. i clocked out 7pm, restless & anxious to see my dad. while driving to the hospital, i called my parents up& told me to go home instead as there were no private rooms available yet & had to put up w/ the cramped space at the emergency room, plus, the hospital would not allow more than one visitors there so i just went home. the next day, i was still able to go to work in the morning but made a promise to my parents that they can text me anytime if they needed me there. come 10am, my mom was again in panic-mode. my dad's nose bleeds were getting worse, she was terrified, she wanted one of her kids to go there quickly. my sis just gave birth & couldn't leave her newborn son & my brother was at work. that leaves myself so i called my boss right away & told her that i needed to leave work immediately.
i went home & picked up my daughter. my brother was able to leave work early too & called his wife sam. we all went together to the hospital.
my dad's BP was a whopping 180/110 when we got there. the blood vessels inside his nose erupted due to his very high blood pressure causing my dad to bleed through his nose, as very well-explained by my dad's doctor. his doctor added how lucky he was that he got away from having a major stroke.
my daughter immediately climbed up my dad's bedside when we arrived
february 26,2009dad's birthdayit turned out he was not too lucky as he wasn't sent home on his birthday. his bp did not stabilize until his 5th day at the hospital.
we bought him a mango cake from cake-2-go (less sugar, less sweet) & bought take-outs from luk-foo. sam's parents filled dad's ref w/ fresh fruits.
february 27,2009
the next day.

trisha & my kid at the figaro coffee shop infront of the hospital; my baby took my dad's temperature (over his shirt hehe) every minutemy dad's well now. we all have been monitoring what he eats. we've successfully encouraged him to eat lesser fatty foods. i've been buying him cereals, non-fat dairy milk & garlic medicines.
2 things he couldn't resist taking off his lifestyle is the smoking & drinking...but now he only drinks red wine...